
Store information about the target model and data.

class BaseEstimator | None = None, dataset_name: str = '', features: dict | None = None, X_train: ndarray | None = None, y_train: ndarray | None = None, X_test: ndarray | None = None, y_test: ndarray | None = None, X_orig: ndarray | None = None, y_orig: ndarray | None = None, X_train_orig: ndarray | None = None, y_train_orig: ndarray | None = None, X_test_orig: ndarray | None = None, y_test_orig: ndarray | None = None, proba_train: ndarray | None = None, proba_test: ndarray | None = None)[source]

Store information about the target model and data.


add_feature(name, indices, encoding)

Add a feature description to the data dictionary.

add_processed_data(X_train, y_train, X_test, ...)

Add a processed and split dataset.

add_raw_data(X_orig, y_orig, X_train_orig, ...)

Add original unprocessed dataset.


Add the results of safemodel disclosure checking.


Return whether the target has all processed data.


Return whether the target has all probability data.


Return whether the target has all raw data.


Load the target class from persistent storage.

load_array(arr_path, name)

Load a data array variable from file.


Load the target model.

save([path, ext])

Save the target class to persistent storage.

__init__(model: BaseEstimator | None = None, dataset_name: str = '', features: dict | None = None, X_train: ndarray | None = None, y_train: ndarray | None = None, X_test: ndarray | None = None, y_test: ndarray | None = None, X_orig: ndarray | None = None, y_orig: ndarray | None = None, X_train_orig: ndarray | None = None, y_train_orig: ndarray | None = None, X_test_orig: ndarray | None = None, y_test_orig: ndarray | None = None, proba_train: ndarray | None = None, proba_test: ndarray | None = None) None[source]

Store information about a target model and associated data.

modelsklearn.base.BaseEstimator | None, optional

Trained target model. Any class that implements the sklearn.base.BaseEstimator interface (i.e. has fit, predict and predict_proba methods)


The name of the dataset.


Dictionary describing the dataset features.

X_trainnp.ndarray | None

The (processed) training inputs.

y_trainnp.ndarray | None

The (processed) training outputs.

X_testnp.ndarray | None

The (processed) testing inputs.

y_testnp.ndarray | None

The (processed) testing outputs.

X_orignp.ndarray | None

The original (unprocessed) dataset inputs.

y_orignp.ndarray | None

The original (unprocessed) dataset outputs.

X_train_orignp.ndarray | None

The original (unprocessed) training inputs.

y_train_orignp.ndarray | None

The original (unprocessed) training outputs.

X_test_orignp.ndarray | None

The original (unprocessed) testing inputs.

y_test_orignp.ndarray | None

The original (unprocessed) testing outputs.

proba_trainnp.ndarray | None

The model predicted training probabilities.

proba_testnp.ndarray | None

The model predicted testing probabilities.

add_feature(name: str, indices: list[int], encoding: str) None[source]

Add a feature description to the data dictionary.

add_processed_data(X_train: ndarray, y_train: ndarray, X_test: ndarray, y_test: ndarray) None[source]

Add a processed and split dataset.

add_raw_data(X_orig: ndarray, y_orig: ndarray, X_train_orig: ndarray, y_train_orig: ndarray, X_test_orig: ndarray, y_test_orig: ndarray) None[source]

Add original unprocessed dataset.

add_safemodel_results(data: list) None[source]

Add the results of safemodel disclosure checking.


The results of safemodel disclosure checking.

has_data() bool[source]

Return whether the target has all processed data.

has_probas() bool[source]

Return whether the target has all probability data.

has_raw_data() bool[source]

Return whether the target has all raw data.

load(path: str = 'target') None[source]

Load the target class from persistent storage.


Name of the output folder containing a target yaml file.

load_array(arr_path: str, name: str) None[source]

Load a data array variable from file.

Handles both .pkl and .csv files.


Filename of a data array.


Name of the data array to load.

load_model(model_path: str) None[source]

Load the target model.


Path to load the model.

save(path: str = 'target', ext: str = 'pkl') None[source]

Save the target class to persistent storage.


Name of the output folder to save target information.


File extension defining the model saved format, e.g., “pkl” or “sav”. str, name: str)[source]

Load a data array from csv. str, name: str)[source]

Load a data array from pickle.