Structural Attack
Structural attacks.
Runs a number of ‘static’ structural attacks based on: (i) the target model’s properties; (ii) the TREs risk appetite as applied to tables and standard regressions.
Tree-based model types currently supported.
- class sacroml.attacks.structural_attack.StructuralAttack(output_dir: str = 'outputs', write_report: bool = True, risk_appetite_config: str = 'default')[source]
Structural attacks based on the static structure of a model.
(target)Run structural attack.
Get details of equivalence classes based on white box inspection.
Get details of equivalence classes based on predicted probabilities.
Get parameters for this attack.
- __init__(output_dir: str = 'outputs', write_report: bool = True, risk_appetite_config: str = 'default') None [source]
Construct an object to execute a structural attack.
- Parameters:
- output_dirstr
Name of a directory to write outputs.
- write_reportbool
Whether to generate a JSON and PDF report.
- risk_appetite_configstr
Path to yaml file specifying TRE risk appetite.
- attack(target: Target) dict [source]
Run structural attack.
To be used when code has access to Target class and trained target model.
- Parameters:
target as a Target class object
- Returns:
- dict
Attack report.
- dt_get_equivalence_classes() tuple [source]
Get details of equivalence classes based on white box inspection.
- get_equivalence_classes() tuple [source]
Get details of equivalence classes based on predicted probabilities.
- get_params() dict
Get parameters for this attack.
- Returns:
- paramsdict
Parameter names mapped to their values.
- sacroml.attacks.structural_attack.get_model_param_count(model: BaseEstimator) int [source]
Return the number of trained parameters in a model.
- sacroml.attacks.structural_attack.get_tree_parameter_count(dtree: DecisionTreeClassifier) int [source]
Read the tree structure and return the number of learned parameters.
- sacroml.attacks.structural_attack.get_unnecessary_risk(model: BaseEstimator) bool [source]
Check whether model hyperparameters are in the top 20% most risky.
This check is designed to assess whether a model is likely to be unnecessarily risky, i.e., whether it is highly likely that a different combination of hyper-parameters would have led to model with similar or better accuracy on the task but with lower membership inference risk.
The rules applied from an experimental study using a grid search in which: - max_features was one-hot encoded from the set [None, log2, sqrt] - splitter was encoded using 0=best, 1=random
The target models created were then subject to membership inference attacks (MIA) and the hyper-param combinations rank-ordered according to MIA AUC. Then a decision tree trained to recognise whether hyper-params combintions were in the 20% most risky. The rules below were extracted from that tree for the ‘least risky’ nodes.
- Parameters:
- modelBaseEstimator
Model to check for risk.
- Returns:
- bool
True if high risk, otherwise False.