JSON Output for Attacks

JSON output has been standardised where possible. A generic JSON output structure is presented as under:

General Structure

Key components of JSON output across attacks will be:

log_id: Log identifier - a random unique id for each entry
log_time: the time when the log was created
metadata: standardised variables related to a specific attack type
attack_experiment_logger: Attack experiment logger - maintains instances of metrics computed across iterations

Worst-Case Attack

A worst case attack will have the following components in a metadata component of JSON output.


attack_name: Name of the attack
attack_params: Attack parameters
target_model: Name of the target model
target_model_params: Target model parameters
global_metrics: The following global metrics are computed for attack repetitions
    null_auc_3sd_range: A three standard deviation range from the mean for the observed p_value
    n_sig_auc_p_vals: Number of significant p values given a p_thresh value
    n_sig_auc_p_vals_corrected: Number of significant p values given a p_thresh value given applying testing corrections
    n_sig_pdif_vals: Number of significant pdif given a p_thresh value
    n_sig_pdif_vals_corrected: Number of significant p values given a p_thresh value given applying testing corrections

baseline_global_metric: The following global metrics are computed for attack repetitions across all experiments of baseline (dummy) experiments
    null_auc_3sd_range: A three standard deviation range from the mean for the observed p_value
    n_sig_auc_p_vals: Number of significant p values given a p_thresh value
    n_sig_auc_p_vals_corrected: Number of significant p values given a p_thresh value given applying testing corrections
    n_sig_pdif_vals: Number of significant pdif given a p_thresh value
    n_sig_pdif_vals_corrected: Number of significant p values given a p_thresh value given applying testing corrections

A worst case attack will have experiment logger and baseline (dummy) experiments logger which is unique to worst case attack only.


attack_instance_logger: Stores metrics computed across all iteration of attacks (i.e. n_reps)
        TPR: value of true positive rate
        FPR: value of false positive rate

        ... all metric values computed similar to instance_0

        ... n will be n_reps-1 representing iterations of attacks


   attack_instance_logger: stores metrics computed across all iteration of attacks (i.e. n_reps)
            TPR: value of true positive rate
            FPR: value of false positive rate

            ... all metric values computed similar to instance_0

        instance_n: n will be n_reps-1 representing iterations of attacks
dummy_attack_metrics_experiment_n: n will be n_dummy_reps-1 representing iterations of attacks

Example JSON output for worst case attack is accessible from link

LiRA Attack

A LiRA attack will have the following components in a metadata component of JSON output.


attack_name: Name of the attack
attack_params: Attack parameters
target_model: Name of the target model
target_model_params: Target model parameters
global_metric: The following global metrics are computed for attack repetitions
    null_auc_3sd_range: A three standard deviation range from the mean for the observed p_value
    AUC_sig: Significant AUC at given p value
    PDIF_sig: Significant PDIF at given p value

A LiRA attack will have experiment logger with only one instance.


attack_instance_logger: stores metrics computed across all iteration of attacks (i.e. n_reps)
    instance_0: For a lira attack type, this will have a single instance
        TPR: value of true positive rate
        FPR: value of false positive rate

Example JSON output for LiRA attack is accessible from link