Source code for sacroml.safemodel.classifiers.saferandomforestclassifier

"""Privacy protected Random Forest classifier."""

from __future__ import annotations

import copy

import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

from sacroml.safemodel.reporting import get_reporting_string
from sacroml.safemodel.safemodel import SafeModel

from .safedecisiontreeclassifier import decision_trees_are_equal

# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors, unidiomatic-typecheck

[docs] class SafeRandomForestClassifier(SafeModel, RandomForestClassifier): """Privacy protected Random Forest classifier."""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs: dict) -> None: """Create model and apply constraints to params.""" SafeModel.__init__(self) self.basemodel_paramnames = [ "n_estimators", "criterion", "max_depth", "min_samples_split", "min_samples_leaf", "min_weight_fraction_leaf", "max_features", "max_leaf_nodes", "min_impurity_decrease", "bootstrap", "oob_score", "n_jobs", "random_state", "verbose", "warm_start", "class_weight", "ccp_alpha", "max_samples", ] the_kwds = {} for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key in self.basemodel_paramnames: the_kwds[key] = val RandomForestClassifier.__init__(self, **the_kwds) self.model_type: str = "RandomForestClassifier" super().preliminary_check(apply_constraints=False, verbose=True) self.ignore_items = [ "model_save_file", "ignore_items", "estimator_", # this is an object "timestamp", ] self.examine_seperately_items = ["estimators_", "estimator"] self.k_anonymity = 0
[docs] def additional_checks( # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks self, curr_separate: dict, saved_separate: dict ) -> tuple[str, str]: """Perform Random Forest specific checks. NOTE: this is never called if the model has not been fitted. """ msg = "" disclosive = False # now the relevant random-forest specific things for item in self.examine_seperately_items: # template for class of things that make up forest if item == "estimator": if type(curr_separate[item]) != type(saved_separate[item]): msg += get_reporting_string( name="param_changed_from_to", key="estimator", val=saved_separate[item], cur_val=curr_separate[item], ) disclosive = True # the forest itself elif item == "estimators_": try: num1 = len(curr_separate[item]) num2 = len(saved_separate[item]) if num1 != num2: msg += get_reporting_string( name="different_num_estimators", num1=num1, num2=num2 ) disclosive = True else: changed = False num_diff_trees = 0 for idx in range(num1): same, _ = decision_trees_are_equal( curr_separate[item][idx], saved_separate[item][idx] ) if not same: changed = True num_diff_trees += 1 if changed: msg += get_reporting_string( name="forest_estimators_differ", idx=num_diff_trees ) disclosive = True except ( BaseException # pylint: disable=broad-except ) as error: # pragma:no coverion msg += get_reporting_string( name="unable_to_check_item", item=item, error=error ) same = False return msg, disclosive
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def fit(self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> None: """Fit model and store model dict.""" super().fit(x, y) self.k_anonymity = self.get_k_anonymity(x) self.saved_model = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__)
[docs] def get_k_anonymity(self, x: np.ndarray) -> int: """Calculate the k-anonymity of a random forest model. The k-anonymity is the minimum of the anonymity for each record. That is defined as the size of the set of records which appear in the same leaf as the record in every tree. """ # dataset must be 2-D assert len(x.shape) == 2 num_records = x.shape[0] num_trees = self.n_estimators k_anon_val = np.zeros(num_records, dtype=int) # ending leaf node by record(row) and tree (column) all_leaves = np.zeros((num_records, num_trees), dtype=int) for this_tree in range(num_trees): this_leaves = self.estimators_[this_tree].apply(x) for record in range(num_records): all_leaves[record][this_tree] = this_leaves[record] for record in range(num_records): # start by assuming everything co-occurs appears_together = list(range(num_records)) # iterate through trees for this_tree in range(num_trees): this_leaf = all_leaves[record][this_tree] together = copy.copy(appears_together) # removing records which go to other leaves for other_record in together: if all_leaves[other_record][this_tree] != this_leaf: appears_together.remove(other_record) k_anon_val[record] = len(appears_together) return k_anon_val.min()