Source code for sacroml.safemodel.classifiers.safekeras

"""Privacy protected Keras model."""

import os
import warnings
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_privacy as tfp
from dictdiffer import diff
from tensorflow.keras import Model as KerasModel  # pylint: disable = import-error
from tensorflow_privacy import compute_dp_sgd_privacy

from sacroml.safemodel.reporting import get_reporting_string
from sacroml.safemodel.safemodel import SafeModel

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)

# this is the current class that dpvarians of optimizers come from
# may change in later versions of tensorflow_privacy


[docs] def same_configs(m1: Any, m2: Any) -> tuple[bool, str]: """Check if two models have the same architecture.""" num_layers = len(m1.layers) if len(m2.layers) != num_layers: errstr = get_reporting_string(name="different_layer_count") return False, errstr for layer in range(num_layers): m1_layer_config = m1.layers[layer].get_config() _ = m1_layer_config.pop("name") m2_layer_config = m2.layers[layer].get_config() _ = m2_layer_config.pop("name") match = list(diff(m1_layer_config, m2_layer_config, expand=True)) num_diffs = len(match) if num_diffs > 0: msg = get_reporting_string( name="layer_configs_differ", layer=layer, length=num_diffs ) for i in range(num_diffs): if match[i][0] == "change": msg += get_reporting_string( name="param_changed_from_to", key=match[i][1], val=match[i][2][0], cur_val=match[i][2][1], ) else: # should not be reachable as dense objects cannot be modified msg += f"{match[i]}" # pragma: no cover return False, msg return True, get_reporting_string(name="same_ann_config")
[docs] def same_weights(m1: Any, m2: Any) -> tuple[bool, str]: """Check if two nets with same architecture have the same weights.""" num_layers = len(m1.layers) if num_layers != len(m2.layers): return False, "different numbers of layers" # layer 0 is input layer determined by data size for layer in range(1, num_layers): m1layer = m1.layers[layer].get_weights() m2layer = m2.layers[layer].get_weights() if len(m1layer[0][0]) != len(m2layer[0][0]): return False, f"layer {layer} not the same size." for dim in range(len(m1layer)): # pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate m1d = m1layer[dim] m2d = m2layer[dim] if not np.array_equal(m1d, m2d): # pragma: no cover return False, f"dimension {dim} of layer {layer} differs" return True, "weights match"
[docs] def check_checkpoint_equality(v1: str, v2: str) -> tuple[bool, str]: """Compare two checkpoints saved with tensorflow save_model. On the assumption that the optimiser is not going to be saved, and that the model is going to be saved in frozen form this only checks the architecture and weights layer by layer. """ msg = "" same = True try: model1 = tf.keras.models.load_model(v1) except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=broad-except msg = get_reporting_string(name="error_reloading_model_v1", e=e) return False, msg try: model2 = tf.keras.models.load_model(v2) except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=broad-except msg = get_reporting_string(name="error_reloading_model_v2", e=e) return False, msg same_config, config_message = same_configs(model1, model2) if not same_config: print("different config") msg += config_message same = False same_weight, weights_message = same_weights(model1, model2) if not same_weight: print("different weights") msg += weights_message same = False return same, msg
[docs] def check_dp_used(optimizer) -> tuple[bool, str]: """Check whether the DP optimizer was actually the one used.""" key_needed = "_was_dp_gradients_called" critical_val = optimizer.__dict__.get(key_needed, "missing") if critical_val is True: reason = get_reporting_string(name="dp_optimizer_run") dp_used = True elif critical_val == "missing": reason = get_reporting_string(name="no_dp_gradients_key") dp_used = False elif critical_val is False: reason = get_reporting_string(name="changed_opt_no_fit") dp_used = False else: # pragma: no cover # not currently reachable because optimizer class does # not support assignment # but leave in to future-proof reason = get_reporting_string(name="unrecognised_combination") dp_used = False return dp_used, reason
[docs] def check_optimizer_allowed(optimizer) -> tuple[bool, str]: """Check if the model's optimizer is in our white-list. Default setting is not allowed. """ allowed = False opt_type = str(type(optimizer)) reason = get_reporting_string(name="optimizer_not_allowed", optimizer=opt_type) if (DP_CLASS_STRING in opt_type) or (DP_CLASS_STRING2 in opt_type): allowed = True reason = get_reporting_string(name="optimizer_allowed", optimizer=opt_type) return allowed, reason
[docs] def check_optimizer_is_dp(optimizer) -> tuple[bool, str]: """Check whether optimizer is one of tensorflow's DP versions.""" dp_used = False reason = "None" if "_was_dp_gradients_called" not in optimizer.__dict__: reason = get_reporting_string(name="no_dp_gradients_key") else: reason = get_reporting_string(name="found_dp_gradients_key") dp_used = True return dp_used, reason
[docs] def load_safe_keras_model(name: str = "undefined") -> tuple[bool, Any]: """Read model from file in appropriate format. Optimizer is deliberately excluded in the save. This is to prevent possibility of restarting training, which could offer possible back door into attacks. Thus optimizer cannot be loaded. """ the_model = None model_load_file = name msg = "" if model_load_file == "undefined": msg = "Please input a name with extension for the model to load." elif model_load_file[-3:] == ".tf": # load from tf the_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_load_file) load = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_load_file, compile="False") the_model.set_weights(load.get_weights()) else: suffix = model_load_file.split(".")[-1] msg = f"loading from a {suffix} file is currently not supported" if the_model is not None: return (True, the_model) return (False, msg)
[docs] class SafeKerasModel(KerasModel, SafeModel): """Privacy Protected Wrapper around tf.keras.Model class from tensorflow 2.8.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs] def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Create model and apply constraints to params.""" the_kwargs = kwargs # initialise all the values that get provided as options to keras # and also l2 norm clipping and learning rates, batch sizes inputs = None if "inputs" in kwargs: inputs = the_kwargs["inputs"] elif len(args) == 3: # defaults is for Model(input,outputs,names) inputs = args[0] self.outputs = None if "outputs" in kwargs: outputs = the_kwargs["outputs"] elif len(args) == 3: outputs = args[1] # call the keras super class first as this comes first in chain super().__init__( # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, # pylint: disable=used-before-assignment ) # set values where the user has supplied them # if not supplied set to a value that preliminary_check # will over-ride with TRE-specific values from rules.json defaults = { "l2_norm_clip": 1.0, "noise_multiplier": 0.5, "min_epsilon": 10, "delta": 1e-5, "batch_size": 25, "num_microbatches": None, "learning_rate": 0.1, "optimizer": tfp.DPKerasSGDOptimizer, "num_samples": 250, "epochs": 20, "current_epsilon": 999, } for key, val in defaults.items(): if kwargs.get(key, "missing") != "missing": setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) else: setattr(self, key, val) if self.batch_size == 0: msg = get_reporting_string(name="batch_size_zero") print(msg) self.batch_size = 32 SafeModel.__init__(self) self.model_type: str = "KerasModel" # remove. this from default class _ = self.__dict__.pop("saved_model") super().preliminary_check(apply_constraints=True, verbose=True)
[docs] def dp_epsilon_met( self, num_examples: int, batch_size: int = 0, epochs: int = 0 ) -> tuple[bool, str]: """Check if epsilon is sufficient for Differential Privacy. Provides feedback to user if epsilon is not sufficient. """ privacy = compute_dp_sgd_privacy( n=num_examples, batch_size=batch_size, noise_multiplier=self.noise_multiplier, epochs=epochs,, ) ok = privacy[0] < self.min_epsilon return ok, privacy[0]
[docs] def check_epsilon( self, num_samples: int, batch_size: int, epochs: int ) -> tuple[bool, str]: """Check if the level of privacy guarantee is within recommended limits.""" msg = "" ok = False if batch_size == 0: msg += get_reporting_string(name="division_by_zero") batch_size = 1 ( ok, self.current_epsilon, # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init ) = self.dp_epsilon_met( num_examples=num_samples, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs ) key_name = "dp_requirements_met" if ok else "dp_requirements_not_met" get_reporting_string( name=key_name, current_epsilon=self.current_epsilon, num_samples=num_samples, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, ) print(msg) return ok, msg
[docs] def compile(self, optimizer=None, loss="categorical_crossentropy", metrics=None): """Compile the safe Keras model. Replaces the optimiser with a DP variant if needed and creates the necessary DP params in the opt and loss dict, then calls tf compile. Allow None as default value for optimizer param because we explicitly deal with it. """ if metrics is None: metrics = ["accuracy"] replace_message = get_reporting_string(name="warn_possible_disclosure_risk") using_dp_sgd = get_reporting_string(name="using_dp_sgd") using_dp_adagrad = get_reporting_string(name="using_dp_adagrad") using_dp_adam = get_reporting_string(name="using_dp_adam") optimizer_dict = { None: (using_dp_sgd, tfp.DPKerasSGDOptimizer), tfp.DPKerasSGDOptimizer: ("", tfp.DPKerasSGDOptimizer), tfp.DPKerasAdagradOptimizer: ("", tfp.DPKerasAdagradOptimizer), tfp.DPKerasAdamOptimizer: ("", tfp.DPKerasAdamOptimizer), "Adagrad": ( replace_message + using_dp_adagrad, tfp.DPKerasAdagradOptimizer, ), "Adam": (replace_message + using_dp_adam, tfp.DPKerasAdamOptimizer), "SGD": (replace_message + using_dp_sgd, tfp.DPKerasSGDOptimizer), } val = optimizer_dict.get(optimizer, "unknown") if val == "unknown": opt_msg = using_dp_sgd opt_used = tfp.DPKerasSGDOptimizer else: opt_msg = val[0] opt_used = val[1] self.optimizer = opt_used # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init opt = opt_used( l2_norm_clip=self.l2_norm_clip, noise_multiplier=self.noise_multiplier, num_microbatches=self.num_microbatches, learning_rate=self.learning_rate, ) if len(opt_msg) > 0: print(get_reporting_string(name="during_compilation", opt_msg=opt_msg)) super().compile(opt, loss, metrics)
[docs] def fit( # pylint:disable=too-many-arguments self, X: Any, y: Any, validation_data: Any, epochs: int, batch_size: int, refine_epsilon: bool = False, ) -> Any: """Fit a safe Keras model. Overrides the tensorflow fit() method with some extra functionality: (i) records number of samples for checking DP epsilon values. (ii) does an automatic epsilon check and reports. (iia) if user sets refine_epsilon = true, return without fitting the model. (iii) then calls the tensorflow fit() function. (iv) finally makes a saved copy of the newly fitted model. """ self.num_samples = X.shape[0] # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.epochs = epochs # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.batch_size = batch_size # make sure you are passing keywords through - but also checking batch size epochs ok, msg = self.check_epsilon(X.shape[0], batch_size, epochs) if not ok: print(msg) if refine_epsilon: print( "Not continuing with fitting model, " "as return epsilon was above max recommended value, " "and user set refine_epsilon= True" ) return False, None returnval = super().fit( X, y, validation_data=validation_data, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, ) # make a saved copy for later analysis if not os.path.exists("tfsaves"): os.mkdir("tfsaves")"tfsaves/") # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self.saved_was_dpused, self.saved_reason = check_dp_used(self.optimizer) self.saved_epsilon = self.current_epsilon return returnval
[docs] def posthoc_check(self, verbose: bool = True) -> tuple[str, bool]: """Check whether the model should be considered unsafe. For example, has been changed since fit() was last run, or does not meet DP policy. """ disclosive = False msg = "" # have the model architecture or weights been changed?"tfsaves/") models_same, same_msg = check_checkpoint_equality( "tfsaves/", "tfsaves/", ) if not models_same: msg += same_msg disclosive = True # was a dp-enbled optimiser provided? allowed, allowedmessage = check_optimizer_allowed(self.optimizer) if not allowed: msg += allowedmessage disclosive = True # was the dp-optimiser used during fit() dp_used, dpusedmessage = check_dp_used(self.optimizer) if not dp_used: msg += dpusedmessage disclosive = True # have values been changed since saved immediately after fit()? if ( dp_used != self.saved_was_dpused or dpusedmessage != self.saved_reason or self.saved_epsilon != self.current_epsilon ): msg += get_reporting_string(name="opt_config_changed") disclosive = True # if not what was the value of epsilon achieved eps_met, cur_eps = self.dp_epsilon_met( num_examples=self.num_samples, batch_size=self.batch_size, epochs=self.epochs, ) if not eps_met: dpepsilonmessage = get_reporting_string( name="epsilon_above_normal", current_epsilon=cur_eps, ) if verbose: print( get_reporting_string( name="recommend_further_discussion", msg=dpepsilonmessage ) ) msg += dpepsilonmessage disclosive = True if disclosive: msg = get_reporting_string(name="recommend_not_release") + msg return msg, True # passed all the tests!! if verbose: msg = get_reporting_string(name="recommend_allow_release") msg += get_reporting_string( name="allow_release_eps_below_max", current_epsilon=cur_eps ) return msg, False
[docs] def save(self, name: str = "undefined") -> None: """Write model to file in appropriate format. Parameters ---------- name : string The name of the file to save Notes ----- Optimizer is deliberately excluded. To prevent possible to restart training and thus possible back door into attacks. """ self.model_save_file = name while self.model_save_file == "undefined": print(get_reporting_string(name="input_filename_with_extension")) return thename = self.model_save_file.split(".") if len(thename) == 1: print(get_reporting_string(name="filename_must_indicate_type")) # "file name must indicate type as a suffix") else: suffix = self.model_save_file.split(".")[-1] if suffix in ("h5", "tf"): try: tf.keras.models.save_model( self, self.model_save_file, include_optimizer=False, save_format=suffix, ) # pragma:no cover except Exception as er: # pylint:disable=broad-except # pragma:no cover print( # pragma:no cover get_reporting_string( name="error_saving_file", suffix=suffix, er=er ) ) else: print( get_reporting_string( name="suffix_not_supported_for_type", model_type=self.model_type ) )