"""Privacy protected Decision Tree classifier."""
from __future__ import annotations
import copy
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
from dictdiffer import diff
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sacroml.safemodel.reporting import get_reporting_string
from sacroml.safemodel.safemodel import SafeModel
def decision_trees_are_equal(
tree1: DecisionTreeClassifier, tree2: DecisionTreeClassifier
) -> tuple[bool, str]:
"""Compare two estimators of type sklearn.tree."""
msg = ""
same = True
tree1_dict = copy.deepcopy(tree1.__dict__)
tree1_tree = tree1_dict.pop("tree_", "Absent")
tree2_dict = copy.deepcopy(tree2.__dict__)
tree2_tree = tree2_dict.pop("tree_", "Absent")
# comparison on list of "simple" parameters
match = list(diff(tree1_dict, tree2_dict, expand=True))
num_differences = len(match)
if num_differences > 0:
same = False
msg += get_reporting_string(
name="basic_params_differ", length=num_differences
for i in range(num_differences):
if match[i][0] == "change":
msg += f"parameter {match[i][1]} changed from {match[i][2][1]} "
msg += f"to {match[i][2][0]}\n"
msg += f"{match[i]}\n"
# now internal tree params
same2, msg2 = decision_tree_internal_trees_are_equal(tree1_tree, tree2_tree)
if same2 is False:
same = False
msg += msg2
except BaseException as error: # pylint:disable=broad-except #pragma:no cover
msg += get_reporting_string(name="unable_to_check", error=error)
same = False
return same, msg
def decision_tree_internal_trees_are_equal(
tree1_tree: Any, tree2_tree: Any
) -> tuple[bool, str]:
"""Test for equality of the internal structures in a sklearn.tree._tree.
For example, the structure, feature and threshold in each internal node etc.
same = True
msg = ""
tree_internal_att_names = (
if tree1_tree == "Absent" and tree2_tree == "Absent":
msg += get_reporting_string(name="neither_tree_trained")
# "neither tree trained"
elif tree1_tree == "Absent":
msg += get_reporting_string(name="tree1_not_trained")
# "tree1 not trained"
same = False
elif tree2_tree == "Absent":
msg += get_reporting_string(name="tree2_not_trained")
# "tree2 not trained"
same = False
for attr in tree_internal_att_names:
t1val = getattr(tree1_tree, attr)
t2val = getattr(tree2_tree, attr)
if isinstance(t1val, np.ndarray):
if not np.array_equal(t1val, t2val):
msg += get_reporting_string(
name="internal_attribute_differs", attr=attr
same = False
elif t1val != t2val:
msg += get_reporting_string(
name="internal_attribute_differs", attr=attr
same = False
except BaseException as error: # pylint:disable=broad-except #pragma:no cover
msg += get_reporting_string(name="exception_occurred", error=error)
return same, msg
def get_tree_k_anonymity(thetree: DecisionTreeClassifier, X: Any) -> int:
"""Return the smallest number of data items in any leaf."""
leaves = thetree.apply(X)
uniqs_counts = np.unique(leaves, return_counts=True)
return np.min(uniqs_counts[1])
class SafeDecisionTreeClassifier(SafeModel, DecisionTreeClassifier): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
"""Privacy protected Decision Tree classifier."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs: dict) -> None:
"""Create model and apply constraints to params."""
self.basemodel_paramnames = [
the_kwds = {}
for key, val in kwargs.items():
if key in self.basemodel_paramnames:
the_kwds[key] = val
DecisionTreeClassifier.__init__(self, **the_kwds)
self.model_type: str = "DecisionTreeClassifier"
super().preliminary_check(apply_constraints=False, verbose=True)
self.ignore_items = [
self.examine_seperately_items = ["tree_"]
self.k_anonymity = 0
def additional_checks(
self, curr_separate: dict, saved_separate: dict
) -> tuple[str, str]:
"""Decision Tree-specific checks."""
# call the super function to deal with any items that are lists
# just in case we add any in the future
msg, disclosive = super().additional_checks(curr_separate, saved_separate)
# now deal with the decision-tree specific things
# which for now means the attribute "tree_" which is a sklearn tree
same, msg = decision_tree_internal_trees_are_equal(
curr_separate["tree_"], saved_separate["tree_"]
if not same:
disclosive = True
if len(curr_separate) > 1:
msg += get_reporting_string(name="unexpected_item")
return msg, disclosive
def fit( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
self, x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray
) -> None:
"""Fit model and store k-anonymity and model dict."""
super().fit(x, y)
# calculate k-anonymity her since we have the tainigf data
leaves = self.apply(x)
uniqs_counts = np.unique(leaves, return_counts=True)
self.k_anonymity = np.min(uniqs_counts[1])
self.saved_model = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__)