Source code for sacroml.attacks.likelihood_attack

"""Likelihood testing scenario from"""

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import logging

import numpy as np
import sklearn
from fpdf import FPDF
from scipy.stats import norm, shapiro

from sacroml import metrics
from sacroml.attacks import report
from sacroml.attacks.attack import Attack
from import Target

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

EPS = 1e-16  # Used to avoid numerical issues

[docs] class LIRAAttack(Attack): """The main LiRA Attack class."""
[docs] def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, output_dir: str = "outputs", write_report: bool = True, n_shadow_models: int = 100, p_thresh: float = 0.05, mode: str = "offline", fix_variance: bool = False, report_individual: bool = False, ) -> None: """Construct an object to execute a LiRA attack. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str Name of the directory where outputs are stored. write_report : bool Whether to generate a JSON and PDF report. n_shadow_models : int Number of shadow models to be trained. p_thresh : float Threshold to determine significance of things. For instance auc_p_value and pdif_vals. mode : str Attack mode: {"offline", "offline-carlini", "online-carlini"} fix_variance : bool Whether to use the global standard deviation or per record. report_individual : bool Whether to report metrics for each individual record. """ super().__init__(output_dir=output_dir, write_report=write_report) self.n_shadow_models: int = n_shadow_models self.p_thresh: float = p_thresh self.mode: str = mode self.fix_variance: bool = fix_variance self.report_individual: bool = report_individual self.result: dict = {} # individual record results if self.report_individual: self.result["score"] = [] self.result["label"] = [] self.result["target_logit"] = [] self.result["out_p_norm"] = [] self.result["out_prob"] = [] self.result["out_mean"] = [] self.result["out_std"] = [] if self.mode == "online-carlini": self.result["in_prob"] = [] self.result["in_mean"] = [] self.result["in_std"] = []
def __str__(self): """Return the name of the attack.""" return "LiRA Attack"
[docs] def attack(self, target: Target) -> dict: """Run a LiRA attack from a Target object and a target model. Parameters ---------- target : target as an instance of the Target class. Returns ------- dict Attack report. """ # check it can be run if target.model is None or not target.has_data(): # pragma: no cover"WARNING: LiRA requires a loadable model.") return {} # prepare shadow_clf = sklearn.base.clone(target.model) target = self._check_and_update_dataset(target) # execute attack self._run( shadow_clf, target.X_train, target.y_train, target.model.predict_proba(target.X_train), target.X_test, target.y_test, target.model.predict_proba(target.X_test), ) # create the report output = self._make_report(target) # write the report self._write_report(output) # return the report return output
def _check_and_update_dataset(self, target: Target) -> Target: """Check that it is safe to use class variables to index prediction arrays. This has two steps: 1. Replacing the values in y_train with their position in target.model.classes (will normally result in no change) 2. Removing from the test set any rows corresponding to classes that are not in the training set. """ y_train_new = [] classes = list(target.model.classes_) for y in target.y_train: y_train_new.append(classes.index(y)) target.y_train = np.array(y_train_new, int) "new y_train has values and counts: %s", np.unique(target.y_train, return_counts=True), ) ok_pos = [] y_test_new = [] for i, y in enumerate(target.y_test): if y in classes: ok_pos.append(i) y_test_new.append(classes.index(y)) if len(y_test_new) != len(target.X_test): target.X_test = target.X_test[ok_pos, :] target.y_test = np.array(y_test_new, int) "new y_test has values and counts: %s", np.unique(target.y_test, return_counts=True), ) return target def _run( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals self, shadow_clf: sklearn.base.BaseEstimator, X_train: np.ndarray, y_train: np.ndarray, proba_train: np.ndarray, X_test: np.ndarray, y_test: np.ndarray, proba_test: np.ndarray, ) -> None: """Run the likelihood test. See p.6 (top of second column) for details. With mode "offline", we measure the probability of observing a confidence as high as the target model's under the null-hypothesis that the target point is a non-member. That is we, use the norm CDF. With mode "offline-carlini", we measure the probability that a target point did not come from the non-member distribution. That is, we use Carlini's implementation with a single norm (log) PDF. With mode "online-carlini", we use Carlini's implementation of the standard likelihood ratio test, measuring the ratio of probabilities the sample came from the two distributions. That is, the (log) PDF of pr_in minus pr_out. Parameters ---------- shadow_clf : sklearn.Model An sklearn classifier that will be trained to form the shadow models. All hyperparameters should have been set. X_train : np.ndarray Data that was used to train the target model. y_train : np.ndarray Labels that were used to train the target model. proba_train : np.ndarray Array of predictions produced by the target model on the training data. X_test : np.ndarray Data that will be used to train the shadow models. y_test : np.ndarray Labels that will be used to train the shadow models. proba_test : np.ndarray Array of predictions produced by the target model on the shadow data. """"Running %s LiRA, fix_variance=%s", self.mode, self.fix_variance) # Combine target and shadow train, from which to sample datasets n_train_rows, _ = X_train.shape n_shadow_rows, _ = X_test.shape combined_x_train = np.vstack((X_train, X_test)) combined_y_train = np.hstack((y_train, y_test)) combined_target_preds = np.vstack((proba_train, proba_test)) # Get the confidences of samples when in and not in the training set out_conf, in_conf = self._train_shadow_models( shadow_clf, combined_x_train, combined_y_train, n_train_rows, ) # Get the LiRA scores, and how many confidences were normally distributed mia_scores, n_normal = self._compute_scores( combined_y_train, combined_target_preds, out_conf, in_conf ) # Save metrics mia_clf = self._DummyClassifier() mia_scores = np.array(mia_scores) mia_labels = np.array([1] * n_train_rows + [0] * n_shadow_rows) y_pred_proba = mia_clf.predict_proba(mia_scores) self.attack_metrics = [metrics.get_metrics(y_pred_proba, mia_labels)] self.attack_metrics[-1]["n_normal"] = n_normal / (n_train_rows + n_shadow_rows) if self.report_individual: self.result["score"] = [score[1] for score in mia_scores] self.result["member"] = mia_labels self.attack_metrics[-1]["individual"] = self.result"Finished scenario") def _compute_scores( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals self, combined_y_train: np.ndarray, combined_target_preds: np.ndarray, out_conf: dict[list[float]], in_conf: dict[list[float]], ) -> tuple[list[list[float]], int]: """Compute LiRA scores for each record.""""Computing scores") mia_scores: list[list[float]] = [] n_normal: int = 0 global_in_std: float = self._get_global_std(in_conf) global_out_std: float = self._get_global_std(out_conf) # score each record in the member and non-member sets for i, label in enumerate(combined_y_train): # get the target model behaviour on the record target_logit: float = _logit(combined_target_preds[i, label]) # get behaviour observed with the record as a non-member out_mean, out_std = self._describe_conf(out_conf[i], global_out_std) # get behaviour observed with the record as a member in_mean, in_std = self._describe_conf(in_conf[i], global_in_std) # compare behaviour if self.mode == "offline": pr_out = norm.cdf(target_logit, loc=out_mean, scale=out_std + EPS) pr_in = 1 - pr_out elif self.mode == "online-carlini": pr_out = -norm.logpdf(target_logit, out_mean, out_std + EPS) pr_in = -norm.logpdf(target_logit, in_mean, in_std + EPS) # ratio pr_in = pr_in - pr_out pr_out = -pr_in elif self.mode == "offline-carlini": pr_out = -norm.logpdf(target_logit, out_mean, out_std + EPS) pr_in = -pr_out else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported LiRA mode: {self.mode}") mia_scores.append([pr_in, pr_out]) # test the non-member samples for normality out_p_norm = self._get_p_normal(np.array(out_conf[i])) if out_p_norm <= 0.05: n_normal += 1 # save individual record result if self.report_individual: self.result["label"].append(label) self.result["target_logit"].append(target_logit) self.result["out_p_norm"].append(out_p_norm) self.result["out_prob"].append(pr_out) self.result["out_mean"].append(out_mean) self.result["out_std"].append(out_std + EPS) if self.mode == "online-carlini": self.result["in_prob"].append(pr_in) self.result["in_mean"].append(in_mean) self.result["in_std"].append(in_std + EPS) return mia_scores, n_normal def _describe_conf( self, confidences: list[float], global_std: float ) -> tuple[float, float]: """Return the mean and standard deviation of a list of confidences.""" scores: np.ndarray = np.array(confidences) mean: float = 0 std: float = 0 if not np.isnan(scores).all(): mean = np.nanmean(scores) std = np.nanstd(scores) if self.fix_variance: std = global_std return mean, std def _get_global_std(self, confidences: dict[str, list[float]]) -> float: """Return the global standard deviation.""" global_std: float = 0 if self.fix_variance: # requires conversion from a dict of diff size proba lists arrays = list(confidences.values()) combined = np.concatenate(arrays) if not np.isnan(combined).all(): global_std = np.nanstd(combined) return global_std def _get_p_normal(self, samples: np.ndarray) -> float: """Test whether a set of samples is normally distributed.""" p_normal: float = np.nan if np.nanvar(samples) > EPS: with contextlib.suppress(ValueError): _, p_normal = shapiro(samples) return p_normal def _train_shadow_models( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals self, shadow_clf: sklearn.base.BaseEstimator, combined_x_train: np.ndarray, combined_y_train: np.ndarray, n_train_rows: int, ) -> tuple[dict, dict]: """Train shadow models and return confidence scores. Parameters ---------- shadow_clf : sklearn.base.BaseEstimator An sklearn classifier that will be trained to form the shadow models. combined_x_train : np.ndarray Array of combined train and test features. combined_y_train : np.ndarray Array of combined train and test labels. n_train_rows : int Number of samples in the training set. Returns ------- tuple[dict, dict] Dictionary of confidences when not in the training set. Dictionary of confidences when in the training set. """"Training shadow models") n_combined, _ = combined_x_train.shape out_conf: dict = {i: [] for i in range(n_combined)} in_conf: dict = {i: [] for i in range(n_combined)} indices: np.ndarray = np.arange(0, n_combined, 1) for model_idx in range(self.n_shadow_models): if model_idx % 10 == 0:"Trained %d models", model_idx) # Pick the indices to use for training this one np.random.seed(model_idx) # Reproducibility these_idx = np.random.choice(indices, n_train_rows, replace=False) # Fit the shadow model shadow_clf.set_params(random_state=model_idx) combined_x_train[these_idx, :], combined_y_train[these_idx], ) # map a class to a column class_map = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(shadow_clf.classes_)} # generate shadow confidences shadow_confidences = shadow_clf.predict_proba(combined_x_train) these_idx = set(these_idx) for i, conf in enumerate(shadow_confidences): # logit of the correct class label = class_map.get(combined_y_train[i], -1) # Occasionally, the random data split will result in classes being # absent from the training set. In these cases label will be -1 and # we include logit(0) instead of discarding logit = _logit(0) if label < 0 else _logit(conf[label]) if i not in these_idx: out_conf[i].append(logit) else: in_conf[i].append(logit) return out_conf, in_conf def _construct_metadata(self) -> None: """Construct the metadata object.""" super()._construct_metadata() pdif = np.exp(-self.attack_metrics[0]["PDIF01"]) self.metadata["global_metrics"]["PDIF_sig"] = ( f"Significant at p={self.p_thresh}" if pdif <= self.p_thresh else f"Not significant at p={self.p_thresh}" ) auc_p, auc_std = metrics.auc_p_val( self.attack_metrics[0]["AUC"], self.attack_metrics[0]["n_pos_test_examples"], self.attack_metrics[0]["n_neg_test_examples"], ) self.metadata["global_metrics"]["AUC_sig"] = ( f"Significant at p={self.p_thresh}" if auc_p <= self.p_thresh else f"Not significant at p={self.p_thresh}" ) self.metadata["global_metrics"]["null_auc_3sd_range"] = ( f"{0.5 - 3 * auc_std} -> {0.5 + 3 * auc_std}" ) def _make_pdf(self, output: dict) -> FPDF: """Create PDF report.""" return report.create_lr_report(output) def _get_attack_metrics_instances(self) -> dict: """Construct the metadata object after attacks.""" attack_metrics_experiment = {} attack_metrics_instances = {} for rep, _ in enumerate(self.attack_metrics): attack_metrics_instances["instance_" + str(rep)] = self.attack_metrics[rep] attack_metrics_experiment["attack_instance_logger"] = attack_metrics_instances return attack_metrics_experiment class _DummyClassifier: """A Dummy Classifier to allow this code to work with get_metrics.""" def predict(self, X_test): """Return an array of 1/0 depending on value in second column.""" return 1 * (X_test[:, 1] > 0.5) def predict_proba(self, X_test): """Simply return the X_test.""" return X_test
def _logit(p: float) -> float: """Return standard logit. Parameters ---------- p : float value to evaluate logit at. Returns ------- float logit(p) Notes ----- If `p` is close to 0 or 1, evaluating the log will result in numerical instabilities. This code thresholds `p` at `EPS` and `1 - EPS` where `EPS` defaults at 1e-16. """ if p > 1 - EPS: p = 1 - EPS p = max(p, EPS) return np.log(p / (1 - p))