ACRO: Output storage and serialization.
- class acro.record.Record(uid: str, status: str, output_type: str, properties: dict, sdc: dict, command: str, summary: str, outcome: DataFrame, output: list[str] | list[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame], comments: Optional[list[str]] = None)[source]
Stores data related to a single output record.
- Attributes
- uidstr
Unique identifier.
- statusstr
SDC status: {“pass”, “fail”, “review”}
- output_typestr
Type of output, e.g., “regression”
- propertiesdict
Dictionary containing structured output data.
- sdcdict
Dictionary containing SDC results.
- commandstr
String representation of the operation performed.
- summarystr
String summarising the ACRO checks.
- outcomeDataFrame
DataFrame describing the details of ACRO checks.
- outputAny
List of output DataFrames.
- commentslist[str]
List of strings entered by the user to add comments to the output.
- exceptionstr
Description of why an exception to fail/review should be granted.
- timestampstr
Time the record was created in ISO format.
([path])Serialize outputs.
- class acro.record.Records[source]
Stores data related to a collection of output records.
(status, output_type, properties, sdc, ...)Add an output to the results.
(output, comment)Add a comment to an output.
(filename[, comment])Add an unsupported output to the results dictionary.
(output, reason)Add an exception request to an output.
(path, ext)Create a results file for checking.
(path)Write outputs to an excel spreadsheet.
(path)Write outputs to a JSON file.
(key)Return a specified output from the results.
(index)Return the output at the specified position.
()Return the list of available output keys.
()Print the current results.
(key)Remove an output from the results.
(old, new)Rename an output.
Prompt researcher to complete any required fields.
(path)Write checksums for each file to checksums folder.
- add(status: str, output_type: str, properties: dict, sdc: dict, command: str, summary: str, outcome: DataFrame, output: list[str] | list[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame], comments: Optional[list[str]] = None) None [source]
Add an output to the results.
- Parameters
- statusstr
SDC status: {“pass”, “fail”, “review”}
- output_typestr
Type of output, e.g., “regression”
- propertiesdict
Dictionary containing structured output data.
- sdcdict
Dictionary containing SDC results.
- commandstr
String representation of the operation performed.
- summarystr
String summarising the ACRO checks.
- outcomeDataFrame
DataFrame describing the details of ACRO checks.
- outputlist[str | list[DataFrame]
List of output DataFrames.
- commentslist[str] | None, default None
List of strings entered by the user to add comments to the output.
- add_comments(output: str, comment: str) None [source]
Add a comment to an output.
- Parameters
- outputstr
The name of the output.
- commentstr
The comment.
- add_custom(filename: str, comment: Optional[str] = None) None [source]
Add an unsupported output to the results dictionary.
- Parameters
- filenamestr
The name of the file that will be added to the list of the outputs.
- commentstr | None, default None
An optional comment.
- add_exception(output: str, reason: str) None [source]
Add an exception request to an output.
- Parameters
- outputstr
The name of the output.
- reasonstr
The reason the output should be released.
- finalise(path: str, ext: str) None [source]
Create a results file for checking.
- Parameters
- pathstr
Name of a folder to save outputs.
- extstr
Extension of the results file. Valid extensions: {json, xlsx}.
- finalise_excel(path: str) None [source]
Write outputs to an excel spreadsheet.
- Parameters
- pathstr
Name of a folder to save outputs.
- finalise_json(path: str) None [source]
Write outputs to a JSON file.
- Parameters
- pathstr
Name of a folder to save outputs.
- get(key: str) Record [source]
Return a specified output from the results.
- Parameters
- keystr
Key specifying which output to return, e.g., ‘output_0’.
- Returns
- Record
The requested output.
- get_index(index: int) Record [source]
Return the output at the specified position.
- Parameters
- indexint
Position of the output to return.
- Returns
- Record
The requested output.
- get_keys() list[str] [source]
Return the list of available output keys.
- Returns
- list[str]
List of output names.
- remove(key: str) None [source]
Remove an output from the results.
- Parameters
- keystr
Key specifying which output to remove, e.g., ‘output_0’.
- acro.record.load_outcome(outcome: dict) DataFrame [source]
Return a DataFrame from an outcome dictionary.
- Parameters
- outcomedict
The outcome to load as a DataFrame.